The Charlie Lindner Trio is a dynamic jazz ensemble known for its signature blend of groovy, funky jazz with a modern twist. Founded in 2015 by pianist and composer Charlie Lindner in Rochester, New York, the group quickly gained a reputation for pushing the boundaries of traditional jazz, incorporating elements of funk, soul, and electronic music into their sound.
Formation and Early Years (2015–2019)
Charlie Lindner’s vision for the trio was clear from the start: to create a jazz trio that was both accessible and adventurous, blending classic jazz with the rhythmic drive and energy of funk and groove. This vision took shape in 2015 when Lindner recruited drummer Matt Ramerman and upright bassist Kyle Vock to form the original lineup of the Charlie Lindner Trio. The combination of Lindner’s expressive piano work, Ramerman’s tight yet swinging drumming, and Vock’s deep, resonant bass playing created a sound that was both fresh and captivating.
From the outset, the Trio quickly gained recognition on the Rochester music scene for their innovative approach to jazz, blending improvisational skill with a funky, danceable edge. Their live performances at local venues and festivals, including the renowned Rochester International Jazz Festival, began to establish them as a unique force in the jazz world.
Evolving Lineup (2019–Present)
As the Charlie Lindner Trio continued to grow, the lineup of the band evolved, bringing in a variety of talented musicians over the years, each adding their own flair to the group's sound. Notable members included Scott Kwiateck, Jimmy Grillo, Marco Cirigliano, Ben Chilbert, Patrick Tregenza and Tony Bianchini.
This flexibility in the lineup allowed the Trio to experiment with different styles, rhythms, and textures, while always maintaining their core identity as a jazz group with a funky, groove-oriented edge.
Notable Performances
The Charlie Lindner Trio has performed on some of the most prestigious stages in the United States, earning a reputation as a high-energy live act with a broad appeal. They were featured in major events such as the Rochester International Jazz Festival, one of the largest and most respected jazz festivals in the country. The Trio also made waves at the Monterey New Year’s Eve Celebration in California, where they captivated audiences with their infectious grooves and sophisticated improvisation. Additionally, the Trio performed at the New York State Fair, showcasing their versatility to a wider audience.
Their performances often mix jazz with elements of funk, soul, and electronic music, creating an experience that is as much about rhythm and groove as it is about musicality and improvisation.
Charlie Lindner’s work as a composer is central to the Trio’s identity, and over the years, he has produced several albums that showcase the evolution of the band’s sound. Their debut, the Charlie Lindner Trio self-titled album, laid the foundation for their unique musical voice, blending acoustic jazz elements with modern arrangements.
Their second release, Bad Pickle, further expanded on this formula, with a more experimental approach to rhythm and harmony, and a playful energy that resonated with fans of both jazz and contemporary groove-based music.
In 2023, the Trio released Electronic Dance Album #1, a bold foray into the world of electronic music, combining acoustic jazz instrumentation with synthesized beats, effects, and modern production techniques. The album marked a new direction for the group, merging the worlds of jazz improvisation and dance music in a way that had not been heard before.
The West Coast Connection
With the band’s expanding reach, the Charlie Lindner Trio developed a distinct West Coast lineup, featuring Patrick Tregenza on drums and Tony Bianchini on Upright Bass. This configuration of the Trio brings a more laid-back, California-inspired vibe to their music, with a greater emphasis on groove and relaxed improvisation. The West Coast Trio has performed at key venues in the Bay Area and beyond, contributing to the group’s growing national presence.